Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy

At NUSHARE MEDIA, we are committed to respecting your privacy and recognising your need for appropriate protection and management of any personal information you share with us.

Scope of Policy

This Privacy Policy delineates our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information. ‘Personal information’ refers to data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact an individual.

Information We Collect

The types of personal information we may gather include:

Your name, email, and phone number.

Information from your inquiries and our communications.

Business-related information necessary for our services.

Methods of Collection

We obtain personal information through various means, including electronic interactions, in person meetings, and while delivering our services. Our website and social media platforms are also channels for this collection.

Utilisation of Information

The primary use of your information is to provide and enhance our services and to inform you about relevant opportunities. We do not sell or rent your information to third parties. However, it may be shared with partners who contribute to our service delivery